Friday, January 04, 2013

Freezer Friday

if you are interested in the freezer drawings i will be updating this tumblr every week:


Anonymous said...

You are awesome, marry me. Do you have a deviantart account?

charlie layton said...

Yes I do, but I dont use it much.

Dnilsen said...

Do you sell any work?

charlie layton said...

Not really. I am looking into making some prints. Let me know if you are interested in something particular.

Dnilsen said...

I am interested in the penguins playing cards... I'd like to work something out... Let me know

Anonymous said...

Hi Charlie are you going to print the Yoda and Darth Vader illustration on a t shirt please!!!! ? A kid size 10, small med and large would be soo wonderful.

Andy said...

I look forward to seeing your weekly updates.